Friday, March 27, 2020

Benefits of Attending a Do You Summer Program

Benefits of Attending a Do You Summer ProgramDoylestown tutoring centers, especially in the summertime, are often the first stop for families looking to take summer classes. Do you know about some of the benefits that can be derived from a summer lesson from an expert in the field? Here are some that may help you make the decision to choose a Do You reside tutoring center.One of the major reasons why families prefer Do You tutoring centers to attend is because they help them expand their own personal growth. If you've always been interested in your subject, but you are a complete beginner, a summer lesson can help you understand the finer points of the subject. Most of the time, tutors will instruct you at your own pace. They might even start out very slow and guide you through your lessons.Adult learners who attend Do You centers often find themselves becoming even more effective when it comes to learning. They also tend to learn faster because they are not the same as those in adul t education classes, where students are constantly learning. Instead, the children who attend summer courses at Do You centers are encouraged to build upon what they have learned.Do You summer sessions also help to make students more energetic. As adults who learn at the same pace as children, the ability to quickly learn new concepts has led to a sense of self-satisfaction that keeps adults energized all year long. Plus, you'll likely be doing physical activities with classmates who are as energetic as you are.The ability to socialize with peers at summer sessions is another benefit of attending a Do You tutoring center. Many tutors find that socializing at summer sessions creates an opportunity to meet new people who are in the same place in life as you. That said, there is usually a limit to how much socializing you can participate in, so the ability to interact with others can benefit both the child and the adult learner.Some of the biggest challenges that many tutors face is ge tting students to attend a summer session. However, the Summer program will not only ease the pressure off them, but will create a bond between the tutor and the student that will continue through the rest of the school year. Your summer tutor should find a way to make it easier on you, if they aren't going to do that already. Don't just let a summer session slip by.If you decide to attend a summer course in addition to what you normally do in school, make sure you choose a tutor who specializes in the subject that you want to study. This will ensure that you will receive the best possible education from them. Learn more about the benefits of a summer course by contacting Do You tutoring centers today.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teen Resume Building

Teen Resume Building If your teen complained about being bored last summer, its time to reframe the thinking. Summer break is a perfect opportunity to gain experience and better oneself. Here are a few great uses of time that will benefit your teen and strengthen her resume: Get an internship. Internships are one of the best ways for teens to get practical experience and exposure to a real-world professional setting. Though more common in college, many organizations hire high school interns too. Have your teen talk with the guidance counselor to learn about what might be available in your area. In every community, there are all kinds of organizations in needand these organizations rely on volunteers. This is a perfect way for your teen to get experience and grow as a person. Look to the high school clubs for ideas, but the local nursing home, animal shelter, and community center are also likely to have options. Build skills. Subject-matter knowledge is essential in college, but there are other aptitudes your teen needs for success like communication, speaking, and writing. Contact Huntington about using summer to help your teen build skills like these. Try something totally new. Encourage your teen to get out of his comfort zone and learn something new. Explore academic camps on everything from marketing to programming. Check out a new hobby, instrument, sport or activity. Work on a personal project. If theres one thing teens have a lot of in summer, its time to explore passions. Formal experiences and jobs offer the chance to learn, but your teen can also create her own learning experiences. Create a blog. Do a photography project. Research something. There are many possibilities if your teen gets creative. Learn a language. Your teen might take a foreign language class during the school year, but summer is a good time to do some online learning. Check out Rosetta Stone or Babbel for starters. Take a college class. Your teen might not get excited about the idea of summer school, but college classes will challenge him in new ways. Check out local colleges for high school-specific programs and community colleges that welcome high school students. Prepare for the SAT or ACT. Strong scores on the SAT/ACT make teens more impressive applicants for their colleges of choiceand make them stand out as students. And theres no better time than summer to take a prep course at Huntington. Summer is a great chance to relax and recharge after the grind of a busy school year, but for college-bound teens, its also an opportunity to learn, grow and build the resume. Encourage your teen to use this break wisely. When the time comes to apply to college, she will be glad she did. Huntington Learning Center works with high school students every summer who are eager to become better students. We focus on all kinds of academic subjects as well as essential study skills like organization and time management. Contact us to learn more about our learning programs for high school students.

6 Entry Level Restaurant Jobs

6 Entry Level Restaurant Jobs 1. Hostess If you are a people person, being a hostess might be a good position for you. You are the face of the restaurant, the first thing that customers see, so you have to be good with people. Being a hostess is a great way to meet people and start their dining experience off well. A good hostess should be bubbly but not too chatty. No one wants to stand chatting with a hostess for too long when they could be eating. 2. Busser Dishwasher Being a busser involves clearing tables, cleaning them, and filling water glasses for guests. This is different than being a dishwasher which involves actually cleaning the dishes that the busser brings back. These are both good jobs for people who arent as excited about interacting with customers as the hostess but still are looking to work in a restaurant. You have to have some communication skills to be a busser, but there really isnt much interaction with the customers when you are a busser. To do either of these jobs you have to be willing to get dirty. If this doesnt bother you, then these jobs could be perfect for you. 3. Server This is probably the most well-known job in the restaurant industry. Like the hostess, a server has to be willing and eager to interact with customers. Different than a hostess, however, you have to be able to balance managing orders and food on top of being friendly with guests. Being a server involves a lot of different things: being friendly with guests, taking orders correctly, transporting food from the kitchen to the table, and preparing checks and payment. Its a hard and multifaceted job, but if you are someone who thrives on constant action and a dynamic environment, being a server is for you! 4. Food Runner Oftentimes this job is merged with the job of a server, but in some restaurants, the two jobs are separated. If you are someone who is quick on your feet and enjoy moving on the job, being a food runner could be great for you. Your main job is to transport food from the kitchen to the guests tables;  however, you are also responsible for communicating with servers and expediting the process of getting food out of the kitchen. You will also sometimes be responsible for helping to clean tables, but this job is secondary to making sure the food is transported efficiently. 5. Bartender You might only think about bartenders in the context of bars, but bartenders are needed in almost any restaurant that sells alcohol. As a bartender, you are responsible for taking drink orders from servers or guests directly, and making and pouring drinks. Being a bartender is also a multifaceted job that requires a lot of knowledge and experience. To be a bartender, you should have a good handle on drink recipes as well as alcohol in general in case guests ask for questions or recommendations. 6. Chef Last but not least, you could be a chef! Chefs are the core of a restaurant with no chef, no food! Being a chef, however, does take some experience and training;  however, you dont have to jump right into an executive chef position. To be a chef, you have to be willing to be on your feet for long hours as well as have a love for food. If you have both of these things, the rest will fall into place!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Students Sleeping Right Are More Alert, More Athletic, And More Beautiful

Students Sleeping Right Are More Alert, More Athletic, And More Beautiful So, youre in college, young and strong, partying late many nights a week only to get up at 7:30 AM to be ready for the first lesson at 8 AM. If this is how you schedule your circadian rhythm then youre like most college students. The surprising fact is bodies in puberty need on average 9.5 hours of sleep. That is about 2 hours more than the average college kid actually sleeps. This massive sleep deprivation results in obesity, lack of learning including athletic skills, often lousy looking skin, amazingly inattentive in morning classes, and, yes, an almost complete inability to wake up come morning. In other words getting sufficient sleep makes you slender, more fit, more alert, more athletic, and more beautiful. And you can achieve all this by implementing a few best-sleeping practices. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol, particularly at night. Don’t exercise or start involving yourself in highly engaging mental tasks near bedtime. Don’t go to bed hungry or after eating a large meal. Eat a light snack before bedtime or drink a glass of warm milk. Tell your bed mate a relaxing bedtime story. Indulge yourself by taking a hot bath. Make the bedroom a place to sleep and not to read or watch TV. Remove all other stimulants from the bedroom, including computer and books. Don’t nap during the day. Try to keep your sleep schedule consistent. Plan regular hours of sleep time every night. If you doubt these facts or have become interested in further information on the subject consult our psychology tutors.

Asking for a Raise the Right Way

Asking for a Raise the Right Way Image via Before you ask: Go above and beyond Before asking for a raise, think about what you can do to deserve that extra money. Remember: getting a raise is about proving to your boss that you are worth the increase in pay. You can’t simply do the same thing and expect an additional reward; you have to do something extra to deserve something extra. If you want to, you can even ask your boss up front, “What can I do to improve? Is there anything more I can do?” Then, follow through on those things. It might be hard, especially at first, but do it. Once you start working harder, you can show your boss the raise you want is well-earned. Another tip: if you accomplish something significant, make a note of this. You will use this information later when you make your case to your boss. Do your research Something else to do before asking for a raise is research. Researching beforehand is important because it’s best to have a specific figure in mind when you make your case to your boss. Don’t make yourself look greedy by asking for an unrealistic amount of money. Figure out how much your job is worth and compare it to what you are currently making. Are people in similar positions getting paid more? How much more can you reasonably negotiate? Knowing this information will help you decide how much money you will ask your boss for. Another tip: although it’s good to have a figure in your mind, don’t get your heart set on it. Be willing to accept whatever they offer you. To start your research, check out this article from The Balance on how to ask for a raise. Be prepared to hear “no” Even if you are a great employee, there is always a chance your employer will not grant you the raise you want. Be sure to mentally prepare yourself for that possibility when asking for a raise. When you ask: Do it at the right time One of the worst things you can do is ask for a raise at the wrong time. For example, if you know the company has been experiencing a financial decline, it is probably not the best time to ask for a raise. If you know that a lot of people are being let go, it is not the right time to ask for a raise. In these cases, you should stick it out and wait until the situation improves. Once the situation improves, you can make your case to your boss. Don’t complain When you are finally in front of your boss asking for a raise, try to keep the conversation positive. Don’t complain about the extra work you have been doing to earn this raise (you can mention you have been working extra hard lately, but do not complain when talking about it). Don’t mention that a co-worker is making more money than you. Don’t tell a sob story about how you need a raise due to a personal situation. Instead, focus on your accomplishments and how far above and beyond you have been going lately. Keep your conversation positive and achievement-oriented, and you are more likely to be granted that raise. Use examples (and numbers) This is when your research comes in handy. Use specific examples when explaining how much you deserve this raise. Chances are, your boss is so busy that they don’t remember the details of all your amazing accomplishments. Kindly and respectfully remind them. You can even use numbers! For example, “When I started doing X, our profits increased Y percent.” Show off all the extra work you’ve been putting in! Don’t threaten to leave The whole “If you don’t give me a raise, I’ll leave” trick is more ineffective than not. I discourage this tactic, but if you decide to use it, be prepared to follow through. Or else, your boss will see that you don’t mean what you say. This tactic will leave a bad impression on your current company. If you truly believe another company can offer you a better salary, leave a proper resignation letter at an appropriate time period before you plan to leave. We can all agree that asking for a raise is extremely intimidating. But if you are prepared, ask at the right time, and ask your boss respectfully, your chances are good. Good luck on asking for that raise!

Math Tutoring - What Should You Expect From a Math Tutor?

Math Tutoring - What Should You Expect From a Math Tutor?Are you interested in math tutoring? If so, I would highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity. Don't worry about the amount of money that you'll be spending though, it's not even as important as finding a good math tutor.One of the biggest advantages to tutoring is that you will always have someone you can go to for advice and instruction. Finding a tutor that you can depend on to assist you in your homework problems is very beneficial. Math tutoring should be fun. Don't let the cost scare you away.It is also very important to find a math tutor who has experience. The most important thing to understand is that these math tutors are not there just to take your money.The math tutor you use will need to be one that you trust and one that is willing to listen to your problems and help you solve them. If you're serious about taking math classes then it's very important that you're willing to make an effort to learn from someone else's mistakes.Finding a math tutor is one of the best decisions you can make. You'll find many online tutors that will offer math tutoring, but the best ones will actually make you feel like you're in the same room with them. They will also have a large library full of math problems that you can use.Some of the great things about using tutoring is that you will never have to pay anything and you will have a tutor that you can follow. Don't forget though that you must get one that is good at solving problems that are similar to yours.If you want to learn math, math tutoring is the way to go. Even if you don't mind the fee, you'll be able to easily remember the tutor's name because you'll always have it on your side.

How to Find Online Tutor Jobs for Free

How to Find Online Tutor Jobs for FreeTutor English online jobs are those which are offered online by tutors as part of their business. It is a perfect opportunity for people who want to earn extra money while on holiday.English is a commonly spoken language in all the countries in the world and can be easily learned by all the citizens of any country as long as they have proper resources. The reason behind the demand for tutors is the increase in the number of people who want to learn English. Some of them earn enough money by offering their services to students and some others are able to provide their services free of cost.English teaching is one of the most rewarding and challenging jobs that can be done by anyone who is committed to become a fluent English speaker. It is also easy to do and many people do it because they are looking forward to do something different and better than what they are doing now. However, the fact remains that the demand for such tutors will continue t o grow and so will the demand for English tutors as well.Nowadays, the job of a tutor for English has increased manifold due to the fact that there are many who can offer their services for free. So, if you think that you can earn extra income by making use of the Internet to provide your services for no fee, then you should get the service for free as well. You can find several providers on the Internet who will welcome you with open arms and would be happy to provide your services for free.To start with, you should first search on the Internet and find out which companies offer their services for free to people interested in learning English. There are many other companies who have similar business but charge extra fees for the services that they provide. So, if you want to make a career of your own, you should work for a company who will give you this opportunity at no cost.As far as online jobs are concerned, you should keep in mind that you will not be getting a regular job wit h your tutor. However, there are many advantages that you can enjoy by enrolling yourself in a tutoring course. Firstly, you will get a chance to meet many people from different parts of the world who are interested in learning English.Secondly, you will get an opportunity to add some more additional income to your other sources of income. So, if you feel that you have enough time to spare and willing to pay for the required services, then you should go ahead and enroll yourself in a tutor course. If you are really serious about earning extra income and to have a new career, then you should definitely think about taking up such course and you will definitely earn lots of money through this service.